Home - Coventry City Council Webcasting

Webcast overview 

Recent Webcasts

Planning Committee

Thursday, 18th July 2024 at 2:00pm
Planning Committee
18/07/2024 2.00 pm
Committee Room 3 - Council House


Tuesday, 9th July 2024 at 2:00pm
09/07/2024 2.00 pm
Council Chamber - Council House


Tuesday, 25th June 2024 at 2:00pm
25/06/2024 2.00 pm
Council Chamber - Council House

Planning Committee

Thursday, 20th June 2024 at 2:00pm
Planning Committee
20/06/2024 2.00 pm
Committee Room 3 - Council House

Planning Committee

Thursday, 23rd May 2024 at 2:00pm
Planning Committee
23/05/2024 2.00 pm
Committee Room 3 - Council House


We are committed to providing residents with an open and accessible decision-making process. Council meetings where decisions on both city-wide and local issues are made will be webcast. You will now be able to see how decisions which affect you or your community are reached, without having to attend in person.

Recent and upcoming webcasts are displayed to the left of this page. To view, click on the title and the webcast will begin automatically.


Webcasts are normally archived within a day of the meeting date. If you have missed any of our webcasts or would like to watch a section or recent meeting again, you can view the archive at any time. There are links in the webcast which allow you to jump to a specific agenda point or speaker.

Sharing features

Click the Share button at the top of a webcast player page to share the short link via social media sites or email. For a live webcast, these share features are available from the player page on the day of the webcast. For an archived webcast, you can also choose to share a particular agenda item.


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